Sergey Sokulsky
Photographer, video editor, sound engineer, writer, SMM, SEO, CPA, developer, streamer, blogger, freelancer, trader, businessman
Sergey Sokulsky
Photographer, video editor, sound engineer,
writer, SMM, SEO, CPA, developer, streamer, blogger,
freelancer, trader, businessman
I do not know how to regret what was and has passed. I can somehow relate to the past, good or bad, but regret is stupid. Regret is not constructive, out of a feeling of regret it is impossible to create anything useful. It is necessary to treat the past with gratitude, because it gave me certain experience, from which I am learning lessons and draw conclusions. Even if the experience is very bitter and difficult, you still learn a lesson from it, you become smarter, and for that many thanks to him.
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